When I worship, I would rather my heart be without words than my words be without heart.
— LaMar Boschman

The Worship Experience

Worship music, and the production that comes with it, is an integral part of our Sunday morning experience. We have a contemporary music style which includes artists such as The Belonging Co, Elevation Worship, and Maverick City Music, among others. 

We believe worship is the doorway that leads to God's presence. We believe that Jesus is worthy of all of our praise, whether active or reflective. We also believe He is worth our highest offering of praise so we try to do everything with excellence. You can expect a modern setting with a full band and production during our Sunday morning worship experience, but one that is completely centered around the greatness of our God. 

Have more questions about Worship? Email Pastor Luke: luke@todaychurchohio.com


We have LIFE because of who God is,

so come and worship Him with us!